Shock & Awe: Bionic Man III
Hope you’re enjoying the slow reps. Really focus on the muscles being trained – this will help you in all of your future workouts. Time for Round III!
Chest, shoulders, tris
Flat hammer press – 5 sets
Hammer Strength shoulder press – 4 sets (go a little lighter on the last one to get a burn)
Dips – 4 sets
Seated DB lateral raises – 5 sets (do a double drop set on the last one)
Overhead rope ext – 5 sets
Cable kickbacks – 4 sets (squeeze the contraction on these)
Quads and calves
Hammer strength v-squat – 5 sets
Single leg leg press – 3 sets
Adductors ss with abductors – 3 sets (if you’re training with a partner you can go one right after the other)
Leg extensions – 4 sets (one drop set on the last one)
Leg press calf raises – 4 sets
Horizontal calf press – 3 sets
Back and biceps
Pulldowns to the rear – 5 sets
Reverse grip straight bar pulldowns (lean forward a bit at the top of the movement to get a good stretch, I’ll post a YouTube video of this one) – 4 sets
One arm machine rows – 3 sets
Smith machine shrugs (“hunch” over the bar a bit so as to engage all of the traps, not just the top) – 4 sets (single drop set on the last one)
Rear delts on fly machine – 4 sets (double drop on the last one)
DB curls (curl both at the same time and supinate wrists at the top) – 4 sets
Machine preacher curls – 3 sets
Reverse grip ez bar curls – 3 sets (single drop set on the last one)
Ab v-ups – 4 sets
Hams and lower back
One leg lying leg curls – 5 sets
Banded hypers with straight leg (see my video on this one) – 5 sets
One leg standing ham curls – 3 sets
Hunchback hypers (try adding some weight this week) supersetted with regular hypers – 4 sets